Sunday Worship Service - Has changed to Sunday 10:00AM
Sunday School - On break for the summer
Prayer meetings - Has changed changed to Wednesday at 7:00PM in the Church Conference Room
We are a community of followers of Jesus Christ who deeply desire to be changed by the unchanging truth of God's Word and make Him known throughout the world. The name of our community comes from the symbolism of both God reaching down to bring us into relationship with Himself as well as our members reaching out to a broken and fragmented humanity with the good news of God's grace. We are committed to live by faith, to be known by love, and to be a voice of hope. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey. Come to The Bridge, and let us journey together!
Kids - Adults Sunday School Classes: On break for the summer
Worship Service: 10:00AM-11:30PM
Hear the latest messages.