"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." –Matthew 19:14

Our mission is to equip the children at our church with a growing faith in Jesus Christ and a heart to share His love with others. By partnering with parents, we want to teach children about the life-changing love of Christ and how it applies to their lives right now—no matter how old they are! It's our hope that children will not only grasp the message of God's love for themselves, but understand how important it is to share that message with those around them as well.

The Gospel Project

Children will be taught the whole Bible using The Gospel Project curriculum

  • See the Big Story: Kids will understand that the Bible is not a collection of stories, but God’s unified story of redemption.
  • Read Scripture as Christ-centered: The Leader Guide and Activity Pages provide a deep, Christ-centered Bible study experience for all ages.
  • Grasp Essential Christian Doctrines: The Big Picture Questions and Answers are designed to help kids understand essential theological doctrines of the Christian faith.
  • Study the Old and New Testaments: Kids spend equal time in the Old and New Testaments, learning the key distinctions of each and how they fit together.


We're excited to see how our kids grow in their knowledge of Scripture and of the Savior!
If you want to explore it further, visit The Gospel Project website!